Welcome to MIFT
Since 2009 Merchandisers Institute of Fashion Technology starter the Merchandising, Fashion Designing and more other apparel affiliated courses with successfully.
A lot of skill provided in the RMG industry as well as Buying House also.A long time ago there was no Fashion institute in Bangladesh and Merchandiser carrier build in the working desk from a trainee level.
Now a day’s any educated people can build their skill and start their career distinctively after complete the respective course from an organized institute. It’s a pleasure that MIFT has been providing the course with the professional way and its brings success trainee, those who obey it by their full concentration.
We want the Garment Sectors to Touch the Zenith of Development.
Course And Faculty
1. AMT - Apparel Merchandising and Technology. (Diploma) course duration -01 year
2. PMT-Professional Merchandising Technology course duration -6 Months
3. CMC: Certificate Merchandising Course course duration -4 Months
4. PDT - Pattern Designing and Technology (manual) Manual -course duration -3 Month
5. CAD-software course duration -6 Month
1. B.M. Maksudur Rahman (Samrat)
2. Ali Monsur Joni
3. Md. Sohidul Alam
5. Ressel Jahan (Sumon)
6. Anisur Rohman
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